В продолжение темы....

От пользователя Сумерки
вас коричнево-золотистое?

Коричнево золотистое. Если вопрос ко мне.
каш прекратите меня смешить))у меня живот болит))))))))
у тебя болит живот?...значит кто-то там живет...
Сумерки, а коричнево-золотистый - это разве смешно?
Вкус  персика
и живет он потому - что-то хочется ему
И вот как это все на аглицком... Придумали же...

Author: N_.z
Date: 30 fogs 2004 16:39

But that do make men, in order to draw woman?
It is assured that man and female views they are different in this question

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Re: During theme....
Author: Die Nixe [ to send letter ] [ about the user ]
Date: 30 fogs 2004 16:40

They for this be born. well, shave sometimes. sometimes even clever veschi they speak...

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Re: During theme....
Author: Skorpioshka
Date: 30 fogs 2004 16:45

From the user: N_.z

But that do make men, in order to draw woman?

This is necessary in them and to ask!

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Re: During theme....
Author: Beech
Date: 30 fogs 2004 16:46

From the user: N_.z

But that do make men, in order to draw woman?

Usually they make the incorrect things, i.e., those which entirely not prevlekayut A to generally prevlech' woman under specific conditions very simply. Women usually love merry, clever, charming, greedy, with the raisin... Well to respectively and make is necessary that in order to vyglyadit' type by such...

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Re: During theme....
Author: Zalina
Date: 30 fogs 2004 17:54

From the user: Die Nixe


You really think that this it is sufficient?....

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Re: During theme....
Author: AugusT
Date: 30 fogs 2004 17:56

"the less the woman we love, the more we please ourselves by it....."

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Re: During theme....
Author: N_.z
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:08

Those more it it interests, why this you it do not love...

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Re: During theme....
Author: porridges [ to send letter ] [ about the user ]
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:11

It is necessary uninterruptedly to look on its breast and to be licked.

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Re: During theme....
Author: Taste of the peach
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:12

From the user: the porridges

It is necessary uninterruptedly to look on its breast and to be licked.

But if they are covered and suddenly there prostheses?

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Re: During theme....
Author: porridges [ to send letter ] [ about the user ]
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:15

From the user: Taste of the peach

But if they are covered and suddenly there prostheses?

Nevertheless must be looked at the breasts, covered even more interesting. Or to the parrot. But quite glanoye - it is necessary to be licked and to release saliva. To its breast.

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Re: During theme....
Author: Twilights
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:15

From the user: Taste of the peach

suddenly there prostheses?

God is what in you life heavy))))))))))))))))

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Re: During theme....
Author: N_.z
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:18

.....slyunopuskaniye can cause the ambiguous reaction

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Re: During theme....
Author: Taste of the peach
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:18

From the user: Twilights


there are the prostheses, about which and you will not say that they the same are... even and you will not think

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Re: During theme....
Author: Twilights
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:19

From the user: Taste of the peach

there are the prostheses, about which and you will not say that they the same are... even and you will not think

and that? you fear to be infected chtoli of?)))))))))))

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Re: During theme....
Author: Taste of the peach
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:20

From the user: the porridges

But quite glanoye - it is necessary to be licked and to release the saliva

But as to draw you - it is surely also necessary to popuskat' or to pospuskat'...?

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Re: During theme....
Author: porridges [ to send letter ] [ about the user ]
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:23

From the user: Taste of the peach

But as to draw you - it is surely also necessary to popuskat' or to pospuskat'...?

to release saliva directly to me to the knee.

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Re: During theme....
Author: Taste of the peach
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:25

From the user: the porridges

to release saliva directly to me to the knee.

and with the the eppilepsiyey, but very likable will approach?

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Re: During theme....
Author: porridges [ to send letter ] [ about the user ]
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:33

Epileptic - this quite that! We will to the pair salivas and foam release!

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Re: During theme....
Author: Twilights
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:34

From the user: the porridges

Epileptic - this quite that! We will to the pair salivas and foam release

me call 4 to you with your prostheses to podgrebu

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Re: During theme....
Author: N_.z
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:35


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Re: During theme....
Author: Twilights
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:37

the taste of peach and in you that with the taste of peach?

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Re: During theme....
Author: Taste of the peach
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:38

it is the color of the whisky

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Re: During theme....
Author: porridges [ to send letter ] [ about the user ]
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:38

From the user: Taste of the peach

it is the color of the whisky

Colors are peeps??

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Re: During theme....
Author: Twilights
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:39

what in you brown- golden?

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Re: During theme....
Author: Taste of the peach
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:39

From the user: the porridges

Colors are peeps??

when that strongly wants and it can be such color

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Re: During theme....
Author: porridges [ to send letter ] [ about the user ]
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:39

From the user: Twilights

you brown- golden?

Brown golden. If a question to me.

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Re: During theme....
Author: Twilights
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:42

porridges you will end me to smeshit'))u me stomach it bolit))))))))

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Re: During theme....
Author: N_.z
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:43

in you bolit zhivot?... it means someone there it lives...

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Re: During theme....
Author: porridges [ to send letter ] [ about the user ]
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:45

Twilights, and brown- golden - this perhaps is ridiculous?

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Re: During theme....
Author: Taste of the peach
Date: 30 fogs 2004 18:46

and it lives therefore - something wants it

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От пользователя кАш
From the user: Taste of the peach

it is the color of the whisky

Colors are peeps??

Пипс! Пипс это, блин!:-d Моя ржаль...
Вкус  персика
От пользователя кАш
Эпилептические - это самое то! Будем на пару слюни и пену пускать!

реплика еще в силе ?
Ну а як же! Могу пузыпрь из слюней надуть. Могу слюнявые дорожки по подбородку гонять. Могу не гонять.
Вкус  персика
А может на показ устроем за бабло?
die Nixe
Женя, хватит про слюни.. я это помню, до сих пор тошно))))) От обоих)))
От пользователя Вкус персика
А может на показ устроем за бабло?

Можно еще до кучи сиськами-письками померяться.
ПС. За бабло я только работаю. Все остальное для души.
Вкус  персика
да уж куда мне до полового гиганта-имплонтанта ?
От пользователя кАш
[Сообщение изменено пользователем 30.03.2004 19:22]
От пользователя Вкус персика
да уж куда мне до полового гиганта-имплонтанта ?

Да какой механизм? все вручную! Отойди, сейчас брызнет! (с)
От пользователя AugusT
" Чем меньше женщину мы любим, тем больше нравимся мы ей....."

простите великодушно , но в оригинале вместо слова "больше " - "легче". Смысл меняется.
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