ОФФ.. Корабль свободы.. Плавучее государство

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February 10, 2005

Hello Freedom Ship Supporters,

Thanks for checking out our web site. Let me bring you up to date on our latest activities.

Today everything is revolving around financing.

Our biggest delay to-date has been the hundreds of "scam" operations that have come to us claiming to be "big time" investors and they want to provide the initial investment for Freedom Ship. After we work with them for a week or two, they start asking us for money, so this tells us that they do not have any money. Then we move on to someone else. We are not going to give any of these "con men" money, but what we do lose is our time in checking them out, talking to them, and listening to their line of BS. And our time is our most valuable asset.

Unfortunately, we must check out everyone who comes to us, because someone may be "for real." All in all we have probably lost more than a year in our time table. These "scamsters" are everywhere. There must be millions of them out there.

As an engineer who, previously, had only heard about "financial scam operations" I did not ever expect to encounter one in person. But now, I have met hundreds of people involved in financial scams. I should write a book. If the FBI, Interpol, or any other legal agency is serious about finding these people, I can tell them where to find lots of them.

However, we think we have finally found a group who is "for real." At least, they are not asking us for money. We will continue to work with them (as well as any other group who is "for real") and hopefully we can give all you guys some very good news in the not too distant future.

We continue to have many newspaper and magazine articles published articles about us every month. In fact, sometimes the traffic gets so heavy, our staff cannot handle it.

We are planning a stock holders meeting soon and it will be on the web so all of you guys can tune in and pick up everything there is to know about what is happening today in the world of "Freedom Ship."

Thanks again for all the support you have given us. This is what keeps us going.

Norman Nixon, PE, CEO
Freedom Ship International Inc.

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