ОАКЗВ. Прога для оптимизации семерки.
Чета комп стал тупить конкретно.
Подскажите программу для оптимизации Windows 7.
а то раньше я всегда эту проблему решал кардинально. Переустановкой оси)
Подскажите программу для оптимизации Windows 7.
а то раньше я всегда эту проблему решал кардинально. Переустановкой оси)
Исходник:@echo off cls set FLAG_DIR=c:\scripts\xo call :create_chars :restart echo Please wait... call :sys_utils init "%0" set cmdPrefix=$p%__PID% rem ------- connecting -------- call :sys_utils enter_critical_section cls call :sys_utils fetch_flag ready_to_play if "%RESULT%"=="" ( call :sys_utils set_flag ready_to_play %cmdPrefix% set symbol=X set symbol2=O set server=1 ) else ( set cmdPrefix=%RESULT% call :sys_utils set_flag %RESULT%_client_ready --- set symbol=O set symbol2=X set server=0 ) call :sys_utils leave_critical_section if "%server%"=="0" goto client1 call :wait_for_client call :sys_utils set_flag %cmdPrefix%_server_ready_too --- goto skipClient1 :client1 call :wait_for_server if "%serverFailure%"=="1" goto restart :skipClient1 rem ------- connected -------- call :clear_field if "%server%"=="1" (set curMode=your_turn) else (set curMode=enemy_turn) :main_game_loop cls call :check_win call :render_field if "%winSymbol%"=="%symbol%" goto you_win if "%winSymbol%"=="%symbol2%" goto enemy_win if not "%curMode%"=="your_turn" goto skipTurn1 echo. echo Your are "%symbol%" echo. set /p tmp=Please enter <nul if "%f1%"=="1" set /p tmp=1, <nul if "%f2%"=="2" set /p tmp=2, <nul if "%f3%"=="3" set /p tmp=3, <nul if "%f4%"=="4" set /p tmp=4, <nul if "%f5%"=="5" set /p tmp=5, <nul if "%f6%"=="6" set /p tmp=6, <nul if "%f7%"=="7" set /p tmp=7, <nul if "%f8%"=="8" set /p tmp=8, <nul if "%f9%"=="9" set /p tmp=9, <nul echo or 'q' for quit echo. set /p "tmp=Your turn: " if "%tmp%"=="q" goto quit_game if "%tmp%"=="Q" goto quit_game call set varName=%%f%tmp%%% if not "%varName%"=="%tmp%" goto main_game_loop call set f%tmp%=%symbol% call :sys_utils set_flag %cmdPrefix%_%symbol%_move f%tmp% set curMode=enemy_turn goto main_game_loop :skipTurn1 if not "%curMode%"=="enemy_turn" goto skipTurn2 echo. echo Waiting for another player :wait_for_player0 set /p tmp=.<nul ping -n 2 > nul call :sys_utils fetch_flag %cmdPrefix%_%symbol2%_move if "%RESULT%"=="" goto wait_for_player0 echo %RESULT% if "%RESULT%"=="q" goto other_player_quit call set %RESULT%=%symbol2% set curMode=your_turn goto main_game_loop :skipTurn2 goto main_game_loop :quit_game call :sys_utils set_flag %cmdPrefix%_%symbol%_move q exit :other_player_quit cls echo Other player has left the game. echo Press 'Enter' to search for another one. pause > nul goto restart :you_win echo. echo You Win echo. echo Press 'Enter' pause > nul goto restart :enemy_win echo. echo You Lose echo. echo Press 'Enter' pause > nul goto restart :wait_for_client echo Waiting for client :wait_for_client1 set /p tmp=.<nul ping -n 2 > nul call :sys_utils fetch_flag %cmdPrefix%_client_ready if "%RESULT%"=="" goto wait_for_client1 exit /b :wait_for_server echo Waiting for server set serverFailure=0 set /a waitCnt=4 :wait_for_server1 set /a waitCnt-=1 if "%waitCnt%"=="0" ( set serverFailure=1 exit /b ) set /p tmp=.<nul ping -n 2 > nul call :sys_utils fetch_flag %cmdPrefix%_server_ready_too if "%RESULT%"=="" goto wait_for_server1 exit /b :clear_field set "f1=1" set "f2=2" set "f3=3" set "f4=4" set "f5=5" set "f6=6" set "f7=7" set "f8=8" set "f9=9" exit /b :create_chars set "charX0= # # ^|" set "charX1= # # ^|" set "charX2= # ^|" set "charX3= # # ^|" set "charX4= # # ^|" set "charX5=-------+" set "charO0= ### ^|" set "charO1= # # ^|" set "charO2= # # ^|" set "charO3= # # ^|" set "charO4= ### ^|" set "charO5=-------+" set "charXW0=.#...#.^|" set "charXW1=..#.#..^|" set "charXW2=...#...^|" set "charXW3=..#.#..^|" set "charXW4=.#...#.^|" set "charXW5=-------+" set "charOW0=..###..^|" set "charOW1=.#...#.^|" set "charOW2=.#...#.^|" set "charOW3=.#...#.^|" set "charOW4=..###..^|" set "charOW5=-------+" for %%i in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) do call :create_empty_char %%i exit /b :create_empty_char set "char%10= ^|" set "char%11= ^|" set "char%12= %1 ^|" set "char%13= ^|" set "char%14= ^|" set "char%15=-------+" exit /b :check_win set winSymbol=. call :check3 1 2 3 call :check3 4 5 6 call :check3 7 8 9 call :check3 1 4 7 call :check3 2 5 8 call :check3 3 6 9 call :check3 1 5 9 call :check3 3 5 7 exit /b :check3 call set tmp1=%%f%1%%%%f%2%%%%f%3%% call set tmp2=%%f%1%%%%f%1%%%%f%1%% if "%tmp1%"=="%tmp2%" ( call set "winSymbol=%%f%1%%" call set "f%1=%%f%1%%W" call set "f%2=%%f%2%%W" call set "f%3=%%f%3%%W" ) exit /b :render_field call :render_line %f1% %f2% %f3% call :render_line %f4% %f5% %f6% call :render_line %f7% %f8% %f9% exit /b :render_line call echo %%char%10%%%%char%20%%%%char%30%% call echo %%char%11%%%%char%21%%%%char%31%% call echo %%char%12%%%%char%22%%%%char%32%% call echo %%char%13%%%%char%23%%%%char%33%% call echo %%char%14%%%%char%24%%%%char%34%% call echo %%char%15%%%%char%25%%%%char%35%% exit /b rem ----------------- atom -------------- :sys_utils goto %1 exit /b :init if "%FLAG_DIR%"=="" set FLAG_DIR=. set UNIQ_BAT_ID=%COMPUTERNAME%_%USERNAME%_%~n2 set /A CRITICAL_SECTION_LEVEL=0 call :enter_critical_section call :test_flag --null-- $pid$ set /A __PID=%RESULT% if [%__PID%]==[0] set /A __PID=10000000 if [%__PID%]==[] set /A __PID=10000000 if [%__PID%]==[99999999] set /A __PID=10000000 set /A __PID=__PID+1 call :set_flag --null-- $pid$ %__PID% call :leave_critical_section set UNIQ_BAT_ID=%UNIQ_BAT_ID%_pid%__PID% exit /b :set_flag call :enter_critical_section echo %3>"%FLAG_DIR%\%2" call :leave_critical_section exit /b :remove_flag call :enter_critical_section if exist "%FLAG_DIR%\%2" del "%FLAG_DIR%\%2" call :leave_critical_section exit /b :fetch_flag call :enter_critical_section set "RESULT=" if exist "%FLAG_DIR%\%2" ( set /p RESULT=<"%FLAG_DIR%\%2" del "%FLAG_DIR%\%2" ) call :leave_critical_section exit /b :test_flag call :enter_critical_section set "RESULT=" if exist "%FLAG_DIR%\%2" set /p RESULT=<"%FLAG_DIR%\%2" call :leave_critical_section exit /b :enter_critical_section set /A CRITICAL_SECTION_LEVEL=CRITICAL_SECTION_LEVEL+1 if not [%CRITICAL_SECTION_LEVEL%]==[1] exit /b set /A __WAIT_CNT=500 :wait_enter_critical_section set /A __WAIT_CNT=__WAIT_CNT-1 if [%__WAIT_CNT%]==[0] del "%FLAG_DIR%\$cs$_*" if exist "%FLAG_DIR%\$cs$_*" goto wait_enter_critical_section echo.>"%FLAG_DIR%\$cs$_%UNIQ_BAT_ID%" set /A __CNT=0 for %%i in ( "%FLAG_DIR%\$cs$_*" ) do set /a __CNT=__CNT+1 if [%__CNT%]==[1] goto all_right_1 del "%FLAG_DIR%\$cs$_%UNIQ_BAT_ID%" goto wait_enter_critical_section :all_right_1 exit /b :leave_critical_section set /A CRITICAL_SECTION_LEVEL=CRITICAL_SECTION_LEVEL-1 if [%CRITICAL_SECTION_LEVEL%]==[0] del "%FLAG_DIR%\$cs$_%UNIQ_BAT_ID%" exit /b :EOF |
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