СОК "НОНИ" - Панацея или что ?

Может ,кто подскажет ,что за чудо такое ?

И помогает ли ??!!
Шарль Латэн (ограничение 16+)
Очередная сетевомаркетинговая обманка.
ЕLF ® (тoт самый ЭЛЬФ...)
От пользователя Шарль Латэн
Автор: Шарль Латэн (о пользователе)
Дата: 01 Апр 2005 18:25

Очередная сетевомаркетинговая обманка.

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Будем благодарны )
,т.к. вчера жена принесла коробку этого чуда (друзья подарили) ,а я ей сразу поставил диагноз ,типа, ***ня всё энто ,а не панацея,как написано в доках.....

ха.. знаменитый сок, как оказалось..
со всего мира сообщения о том, как его проталкивают...
По соглашению с представителями штатов Аризона, Калифорния, Нью-Джерси и Техас компания-производитель сока "НОНИ" обязалась не рекламировать этот сок в качестве лекарства от болезней (список болезней). Вдобавок компания раскошелилась: 100 000 долларов на "расходы по расследованию".

On August 26, 1998, the Attorneys General of Arizona, California, New Jersey, and Texas announced a multi-state settlement with Morinda, Inc., a multilevel company headquartered in Linden, Utah. The states had charged that Morinda had made unsubstantiated claims in consumer testimonials and other promotional material that its "Tahitian Noni" juice could treat, cure or prevent numerous diseases, including diabetes, depression, hemorrhoids and arthritis. Such claims rendered the beverage an unapproved new drug under state and federal food and drug laws and should not have been sold until it received approval. Under the terms of the agreement, Morinda must:

No longer make drug claims, or claims that the product can cure, treat, or prevent any disease until "Tahitian Noni" is approved and cleared for those uses by the U.S. Food and Drug Adminstration.

Not make any other claims, whether health claims or others, regarding the benefits of "Tahitian Noni" unless such claims are true and the company can substantiate the claim by reliable scientific evidence.

Not use testimonials which imply that the advertised claimed results are the typical or ordinary experience of consumers in actual conditions of use, unless Morinda possesses and relies upon adequate substantiation that the results are typical or ordinary.

In addition, Morinda must refund to any consumer who requests a refund in writing, the full purchase price paid for the product. The agreement also calls for Morinda to pay $100,000 for investigative costs.
Не вышло протолкнуть в США.. ну что ж, не закрывать же компанию.. можно продать в третьи страны..
ЕLF ® (тoт самый ЭЛЬФ...)
От пользователя вивекананда
Автор: вивекананда [гость]
Дата: 01 Апр 2005 18:53

По соглашению с представителями штатов Аризона, Калифорния, Нью-Джерси и Техас компания-производитель сока "НОНИ" обязалась не рекламировать этот сок в качестве лекарства от болезней (список болезней). Вдобавок компания раскошелилась: 100 000 долларов на "расходы по расследованию".

On August 26, 1998, the Attorneys General of Arizona, California, New Jersey, and Texas announced a multi-state settlement with Morinda, Inc., a multilevel company headquartered in Linden, Utah. The states had charged that Morinda had made unsubstantiated claims in consumer testimonials and other promotional material that its "Tahitian Noni" juice could treat, cure or prevent numerous diseases, including diabetes, depression, hemorrhoids and arthritis. Such claims rendered the beverage an unapproved new drug under state and federal food and drug laws and should not have been sold until it received approval. Under the terms of the agreement, Morinda must:

No longer make drug claims, or claims that the product can cure, treat, or prevent any disease until "Tahitian Noni" is approved and cleared for those uses by the U.S. Food and Drug Adminstration.

Not make any other claims, whether health claims or others, regarding the benefits of "Tahitian Noni" unless such claims are true and the company can substantiate the claim by reliable scientific evidence.

Not use testimonials which imply that the advertised claimed results are the typical or ordinary experience of consumers in actual conditions of use, unless Morinda possesses and relies upon adequate substantiation that the results are typical or ordinary.

In addition, Morinda must refund to any consumer who requests a refund in writing, the full purchase price paid for the product. The agreement also calls for Morinda to pay $100,000 for investigative costs.

а можно тоже самое,но только по-русски )?
У распространителей есть свой сайт - там можно почитать. Я пила этот сок в течение 3 месяцев - каких-то глобальных изменений в себе не почувствовала, хотя некий приток энергии был.
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